Corporate Intelligence Awareness

Predict Future Outcomes - Secure the Competitive Edge! Corporate Intelligence Awareness, in people terms, refers to innate human capacity to think creatively when faced with the unknown or unproven. The greater the capacity of an organization and its people to work with confidence in the dimension of potentials, possibilities and maybes, the greater the ability to predict accurate future business outcomes!

"Corporate Intelligence Awareness is both alluring and provocative. It will make executives painfully aware of the inadequacies of their organization's current approach to information gathering/knowledge management and will convince them to make critical changes to the way disparate information is collected and synthesized into meaningful and actionable intelligence. It's a 'must read' for executives and those involved in strategy development."

Kevin Doyle Director,Corporate Strategy & Research Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX Group)

"This course provided me with one of the most motivating and educational experiences while at Bombardier. Thanks for a great investment in my time."

Ben Boehm, Vice President - International Business

In response to a business world beset by the rise in corporate espionage as well as a growing confusion as to what constitutes legal/ethical information gathering, the cost effective Harding Intelligence Program has become an increasingly important function of our consulting and training activity. Making his significant diplomatic experience available to participating clients, Rodger Harding empowers organizations to:
  • Maximise Information/Knowledge Awareness – Efficiently Gather, Analyze and Process Information
  • Protect Assets, valuable information, process and operational detai.
  • Sell information/intelligence upward through effective report writing, and strategic relationship building.
  • Use available people expertise to find out what others don’t know…and act on it before they do!
  • Strengthen planning and strategy initiatives.
For more information please visit our dedicated website: Corporate Intelligence Awareness

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