Creativity Defines Leadership Style

by Administrator 04.Oct.2009 11:25:00

Enjoy a fun session painting on canvas. The experience will allow an exploration of:
·          Innate thinking that underpins your leadership expression
·          How your leadership style impacts on others
·          The difference between management and leadership
What’s involved!
·          A 3-hour time investment
·          The creation of an original artwork (2-hours)
·          Individual or group (4 maximum) sessions
·          Intensive debrief with Rodger Harding (1-hour exchange of ideas, recorded for participant reference)
·          $300.00 (all paints, brushes and canvases included)
·          Wine and snacks add to the relaxed atmosphere
How this approach to leadership training came about!
 A young CEO, describing her management team as iconoclastic, recently asked me to come up with a relaxed and intimate leadership course that would be completely different, yet relevant. It was important to her that each person would walk away with a better knowledge of, and confidence in, their own leadership style.
As my own artistic ventures have distinctly allowed me to understand how creative thinking influences my approach to people, situations and crises. This is particularly true when faced with unchartered territory, or scenarios that have unfolded in an unexpected fashion. I decided to experiment with a real-time painting session that would allow each participant to evaluate their own leadership style. It was a great success.
Feedback showed that the 4 participants benefited by:
·          A positive realization of innate, yet untapped, creative thinking
·          A conscious awareness of the difference in individual approach to the task 
·          An understanding of the parallels in workplace decision-making and project management
·          An awareness of the importance of creative thinking when faced with required interpretation, analysis and task execution within set time and resource parameters
·          A conscious realization that management is a component of leadership
Call (416) 962-6700 for more information
Seema has never painted before - It was impressive to note how her work reflected full response to environment & available resources, as well as audio and verbal stimulus


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