by Administrator
02.Dec.2010 12:55:00
Dear Clients & Friends,
In this 14th year of operation, our programs continue to evolve in direct response to client requirement. With increasing budget restraints and an uncertain economic outlook, ongoing client request to enhance the leadership function of managers in diverse organizations has resulted in the fine-tuning of our Managemnet Training Program:
Encouraging Managers to Lead!
This Leadership Awareness program places high value on the critical role of managers to contribute to the ongoing evolution of team competency investment and best business practice.The emphasis on the distinction between management and leadership serves to enhance core leadership competencies, resulting in proactive, yet accountable input and decision making, team motivation and cost-effective project-management. Flexible thinking is encouraged to ensure efficient problem solving and the optimal use of available talent and resources. The finding out of what the team doesn’t know it knows segment has been particularly successful.
As a direct offshoot of my extensive volunteer work over the past 15 years with Canadian students aged 16-22, I have been asked by many concerned parents to work with younger people who, despite high intelligence and a good academic background, seemingly lack focus and are uncertain as to a firm career direction. The clear, but unconscious, leadership potential of these students has prompted the formal design of a program focused on identifying, validating and empowering realistic leadership in young people.
Leadership for Students
The program explores and makes conscious existing, but untapped individual leadership expertise. Practical techniques enable the understanding and full investment of core competencies, personality & experience. Strong attention is given to measuring individual impact and preparedness to consider what is involved in living out personal dreams. The program is particularly directed at youth who have the irrepressible notion that there must be something more!
Please contact me should you require further information on either of the two programs.
Once again I would like to express my ongoing appreciation for your personal and professional contribution to my success and sense of fulfillment throughout 2010. My very best wishes for the Holidays and a happy, safe & prosperous 2011! I look forward to renewed contact in the New Year.
Warmest regards,
by Administrator
13.Sep.2010 13:55:00
“Everyone in creative work is subject to persecution by odious comparison. …Comparisons dog the footsteps of all creation wherever the poetic principle is involved, because the inferior mind learns only by comparisons; comparisons, usually unequivocal, made by selfish interests each for the other.
But the superior mind learns by analyses: the study of nature.
Many of our young … are eager, groping; … but they are fed prejudicial comparisons instead of the results of patient intelligent analyses or performance based upon nature… … persistent analyses based upon actual experience is so rare…” - Frank Llloyd Wright