Perhaps the easiest illustration of dangers inherent in blindly following current trends would be the sub-prime mortgage saga that led parts of the western world to the brink of economic collapse at the end of the last decade. Was this best business practice at work... or a slavish following of "what works" ... "what everyone else is doing" approach?
The illusion of certainty and absolute security has always been a panacea for frightened people. Perhaps, a post 9/11world value system, coupled with rapid and breathtaking advances in technology,created both the need/desire for, as well as the perceived means to achieve this end!
Over almost 2 decades, our interaction with clients large and small has provided a distinct pattern of clues indicating that there is perhaps a need for new business/economic models...Models that will allay fears yet provide a greater degree of sustainable optimism to upcoming generations.
I have developed a passion for looking securing like-minded conversations on the subject. In the context of apparent growing dissatisfaction with global templates we have witnessed a growing macro/micro activism, oftentimes in the form of socio-political protests. We have also seen the distinct emergence of a breed of individuals with a penchant for what verges on anarchistic action. Needless to say, cause for great concern!
If there is a need to reform known socio-economic models, it is obviously imperative that this is done without destroying confidence and pride in achievement to date. My thinking got me looking at countries that have persistently and quietly set about with reform, maintaining a degree of independent exclusivity while remaining part of the larger world economy.
Denmark reveals itself, to me anyway, as perhaps the best example of responsible socio-economic reform leadership. A significant producer/exporter of oil and natural gas (ranking 32nd world exporter of oil), this country is proceeding with state driven oil exploration and greener processing while committing itself to ambitious, yet what appear to be achievable renewable energy goals. My research shows a parallel commitment to stringent energy regulations and traditional fuel industry monitoring. The country as a whole seems prepared to embrace the notion of climate change, a sustainably healthy environment, and importantly, of influencing/educating the public. Interestingly in conversation with experts in my own circle of aquaintance, I have found that this ambiguity or seemingly contradictory approach poses a degree of frustration with experts in my circle of aquaitance. By all accounts though, Danish citizens however appear to have adapted, with what seems to be national fervour and confidence, to an evolving lifestyle that keeps pace with enviromental and socio-economic change.
Dare I say that Venezuela’s, much maligned, late Hugo Chavez, was similarly struggling, albeit in a more confrontational fashion, to identify a more workable economic energy policy. Perhaps Venezuela, unlike Denmark, paid little heed to ability of known economic structures to keep pace with Chavez’s revolutionary ideas. Even Chavez with his radical social policies though, realized the need for industry regulation, taxation, international involvement and industry monitoring.
Emerging economies and previously underdeveloped, yet resource rich countries/regions, are well placed to adapt to a changing world. This would be contingent on visionary, yet rational and collaborative leadership that would facilitate the adoption of a hybrid economic model that reflects current global markets, is cognizant of internal/external socio-economic demands and meets responsible environmental safeguards. Communication convergence and the Digital/Social-Media Revolution have produced savvy upcoming generations that will accept nothing less than an accountable and transparent deal.