Harding International and Associates
As 2009 draws to a close, the inevitable reflection on my 12th year of operation brings forth a certain satisfaction at surviving the tough challenges that currently face this particular industry, as well as the broader world economic uncertainty.
In taking stock of the past year, I am, more than ever, confronted with the inescapable reality that no amount of hard work or intervention could replace the myriad relationships that support my endeavors. It is my extreme good fortune to have a like-minded network of clients, colleagues, associates and friends who consistently encourage me to press forward with an unadulterated business vision. “Do whatever it takes no matter the challenges” seems to be the repeated refrain. Words cannot express my ongoing appreciation for your personal and professional contribution to my success and sense of fulfillment.
This encouragement was of particular significance this year. It was at a client’s suggestion that I developed the new Creative Leadership program that identifies individual leadership and management style. This offering has proved to be an effective and fun module that apparently suits prevailing corporate and individual budgets.Similarly our Corporate Intelligence Awareness program has increased in popularity. An invitation to address over 200 members of the Project Management Institute, Southern Ontario Chapter (PMI-SOC) on The Importance of Good Intelligence in Tough Times resulted in several enjoyable contracts, as well a trip to Europe in the summer to participate in an Intelligence think-tank. It would appear that the years of spadework in evolving the course and the considerable effort that went into writing my book on the subject have paid off – Managing uncertainty is now very much on the agenda in corporate circles.
Our offices will be closed from 15th December 2009-7th January 2010. While I will be away for my annual brain-rinse/recharge, I will be checking e-mail periodically. My very best wishes for the Holidays and a happy, safe & prosperous 2010! I look forward to renewed contact in the New Year.
Warmest regards,
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