New Year Message from Rodger Harding

by Administrator 11.Dec.2007 18:54:00

Dear Clients & Friends, 

Since I first started the operation of Harding International & Associates Inc., I have often been asked why I don’t consider trimming, rather than growing, the array of services on offer to better develop a more distinctive brand. Ten years on I am glad I trusted my instincts. The changing requirements of clients have dictated the expansion of our services. Looking back, I have also noticed that client program hiring patterns closely match the sequential business progression of any organizational operation: 

  • Corporate Intelligence Awareness investigates economic, industry, competitor and product realities to ensure effective Competitive/Strategic Planning
  • Leadership Enhancement explores the ability, creativity and willingness to meet market demands and drive innovation
  • Collaborative Management, Negotiation, Team-Building, Conflict Management, Problem-Solving and Effective Communication support organizational leadership by securing full/effective employee contribution
  • Risk, Change, Performance & Project Management initiatives ensure sustainable viability in time of crisis/innovation/chaos
  • Presentation, Etiquette & Business Writing/Report Writing, facilitate internal external communication excellence as well as the important representational factor of every member of the organization
  • Mentoring/Coaching & Career Development/Transition modules assist individuals/teams in all aspects fully investing their innate/learned ability  

Underpinning all my program development and delivery is the unshakeable belief that organizations and individuals should strive to deploy their unique ability and experience to meet their own aspirations. I am persuaded that it is this single factor that decides whether or not I establish the all important client/vendor fit. In a good client relationship, I find I not only enjoyably utilize all my ability, but continue to evolve on both professional and personal levels.  

The sustainability of service and surviving the vicissitudes of running a boutiquish operation would not be possible without those of you who request our services, ask for proposals, share information, send articles, meet for a chat and, most importantly, who have given so generously of yourselves over the years.  Although we might not always meet frequently my gratitude for your support, insight, collegiality and friendship is ongoing. You allow me to find unbelievable fulfillment in what I do!  

My very best wishes for a happy, safe & prosperous 2008! I look forward to renewed contact throughout the year! 

Warm regards, 


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